MANOJ KIRAN SPECIAL SCHOOL, along with MOONALAYAM EDUCATION SOCIAL WELFARE TRUST, is a Non-governmental organization, Registered and Recognized under the Government of Tamilnadu for the Differently abled as special school for children with Autism, ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Pre Vocational and for other Developmental Delays.
Teachers should always be accommodating to your needs. This means they will change the way they teach you to make sure you learn to the best of your ability.

MANOJ KIRAN SPECIAL SCHOOL started in the year 2021 with a vision and Motto of “MANOJ KIRAN SPECIAL SCHOOL“ for all the children who have difficulties and delays.
MANOJ KIRAN SPECIAL SCHOOL from its inception caters to the needs of children by providing Speech therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, yoga and naturopathy, Relationship Development Intervention, & Remedial Education. All these therapies are given using various ABA (Applied Behavioural Analysis), Integrating the senses, Auditory training, Listening perception and thru Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetics, Shopping to Learn Money Concept and tactile mode.
We focus both on Therapeutic intervention & Education for all the early intervention children so that when they are more ready, we integrate them to Mainstream schooling/ or make the student go through their education up to X standard under NIOS open schooling