- Learning disability
Autism - Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Hyper activity
- Pervasive developmental disorders
- Dyslexia
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Cerebral palsy
- Low IQ
- Slow learning
- Delayed speech
- Behavior problems
- Delayed milestone development

We also impart many special extra-curricular activities for the overall development of the children, enabling them to achieve a sense of success and high self esteem. Our efforts are directed to enable them join the main stream of life progressively. Like all learners, these special children progress best when they actively participate in well -executed instructional programs informed by scientific researchers. Each child has his/her unique capabilities. If every child is approached on the basis of his / her capabilities, instead of their perceived inabilities, they will have the chance to contribute to the class, to enrich the learning process and to develop his/her own potential.
Lower goals are set and teaching is adapted to the capabilities of pupils themselves. WISDOMMS is always obliged to investigate learning difficulties in children, implement remedial action and provide special support for any pupil who needs it.
There is a multidisciplinary team functioning in the centre which includes Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Speech therapists and Special educators. The multidisciplinary team will assess all the children individually and frame a therapeutic and academic intervention protocol for each and every child.
After the children reach their normal academic level, they are put up in normal schools. Even after they are admitted in normal schools they are under continuous monitoring and follow up.